Needless to say, I've been extra careful about obeying the speed limit and the traffic laws since this morning. (Not that I was bad before, but I ended up over-doing it a bit on the way to work). No sense trying to tempt fate. :P
Speaking of tickets - thankfully my day got MUCH better from there. :) I ended up getting tickets (the ones that make me happy!) :) for some shows that Mark & I are planning to see when we're in NYC in June. :) So far we have tickets to "Caroline, or Change", "Wonderful Town", "Assassins", and "Millie" (of course!) :) All we need are our "Avenue Q" tickets (which I haven't been able to find a discount code for yet) and we'll be all set! :)
And I seem to be in a constant state of "full" these days. :P I've just been eating waaay too much lately. :( At work, a lot of the mutual fund and annuity companies are sending down their internal wholesalers to attend our Taxbusters party this weekend. So they're all starting to stop by the back office to visit and drop off food for us. It's SO nice of them, but I think we've been eating non-stop since last week... it's getting rather ridiculous! ;)