Sheri (shutterbug93) wrote,

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Mmmm! Cocoa Puffs! :)

Mark & I went to Borders this afternoon to see Mark's old childhood friend (and my old high school classmate) Jon Murakami at his book signing. :) It was nice to see Jon after all these years since the last time I really saw him was at our wedding six years ago. :( I'd always known (from as far back as high school) that Jon was extremely talented, but it's so amazing to see how his work has matured over the years! Mark still has all of Jon's old drawings, from when they used to hang out together in elementary school, which he's kept because he knew Jon would become a famous cartoonist one day. :) It's so nice to see him so successful! :)

After Borders, we went to visit my in-laws to pick up some cocoa puffs (from Liliha Bakery) that they received from their neighbor. Last week the neighbor to the right of their house had a HUGE fire at their place (which caused a lot of commotion - luckily no one was hurt) and they came by to drop some goodies off this morning to my in-laws. Only in Hawaii will people actually drop off pastries and other treats to their neighbors after their house burned down to say, "Sorry for the inconvenience!"

On a theatre note, the LA Drama Critics' Circle Awards is going to be held at the Coronet Theatre this coming Monday. I'm usually so anxious to see the nominees, but this year I'm really not too interested... I rarely saw any shows in LA last year so chances are great that I haven't seen any of the nominated performances or know any of the nominated performers. :P

And speaking of award shows, I guess Robby was pretty serious when he said last year's show was the final one (I didn't know since he'd been saying it for years...) It's a shame too because I always enjoyed going to the ceremony (and not only because Kevin seemed to win every year) ;) I miss planning my annual February trip to LA just so I could see it. :(

And on a final theatre note, can I just say how envious I am that a co-worker of mine is currently on his way to NYC as we speak to see "Spamalot" in orchestra seats?? I really need to plan a theatre trip soon, I'm getting waaay too restless out here. :(

Hope you're all having a nice weekend, I'm off to hit the books again since I only have a little over a week before my big exam. :P In case I don't get here in time tomorrow morning, BIG birthday wishes need to go out to beantownboy, who I haven't seen here in a while - but I miss. :( Happy Birthday, Adam!

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