Sheri (shutterbug93) wrote,

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Mark & I took a trip down to Sam's Club today - he wanted to look for a holder for all of his new PSP games that he's recently acquired. It was a good chance for me to pick up some Pria bars in bulk (since they cost a little over a $1 each when they're not on sale. :P) It's a little sad when the most exciting thing that happened to me all weekend was a trip to Sam's Club. :P

I've been sitting at home entraced by Season 2 of "West Wing" :). I think I've watched four episodes last night and another three this afternoon. I kept feeling guilty for watching it, thinking I had studying that I had to do... What a weird feeling it was to realize that for once, I didn't. :)

Kevin's doing the Celebration of Reprise! tonight - and sadly even if I lived in the area, I'd never be able to afford the $250 ticket to go and see it. :( He said he was singing "I'd Rather Be Sailing" again with Malcolm Gets so I'm a little more than disappointed that I wasn't able to see it especially because I missed hearing him sing it the first time in January. *SIGH*

I've been listening to - and really liking the "You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown" cast recording recently. :) It took me so long to finally get it - I saw the Julie Jackson in the Colony Theatre's production of the show back in 2002 and had always meant to get the cast recording, but for some reason I never did. Listening to it over the weekend reminded me what a cute show it was and how much I miss Julie, Nick, Rod, and Roger! :(

And I haven't been very good about working out recently. :( With all the pain in my arm, I've been laying off the exercise routine for a while - but the only thing that seems to have happened is that it turned me into a huge slug. :( Hope you all have a nice evening - I'm off to find my fuzzy dog and watch another episode of "West Wing." :)

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