Sheri (shutterbug93) wrote,

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In need of some serious work related advice...

Did you ever wake up one day and wonder if you were doing the right thing in life?

Lately, I seem to be doing that A LOT... Please don't get me wrong, I'm EXTREMELY thankful for my job and I LOVE all the people I work with (most days), and I'm not sure if this is just a product of the incredibly stressful week I've been having or if it goes deeper, but I've been seriously trying to evaluate my job situation the past couple of days...

For those of you who don't know, the investment industry was never something that I wanted to get into from the start... I have a degree in art and the LAST place I expected to end up was in management for a bank brokerage firm! That aside, I've committed myself (over the last 10 years) to learning everything I could about the business and went from Associate, to Operations Coordinator, to Compliance Officer, and finally to my job as a Regional Sales Manager. And it was never easy or fun (I have to work ten times harder than the average person to understand financial matters since this isn't an area of strength for me,) but I was determined to make it work - and one of the things that kept me there so long was the wonderful people I worked with throughout the years...

Lately I've been wondering if it's all worth it... This week, my BIG boss has called me numerous times a day to yell at me - some of which are things that I have absolutely no control over, some of which is simply ridiculous... And as I've mentioned before, I know my BIG boss has a big heart, but I'll be the first to admit that he isn't the easiest person to work for. My schedule recently has been incredibly taxing,... I'm hardly home and when I am, I'm trying to get in the few hours of sleep I need before I head off to the next neighbor island for a meeting. I'm not complaining at all, it's just become a fact of life that I've barely been able to spend any time with Mark these days... :(

Which brings me to an email that my sister-in-law sent me... It was for a job opportunity at the University... A once in a lifetime job, if you ask me (the person who previously had the job just retired). It was for a photographer / public relations / publications person. Looking at the ad, I have all the qualifications (degree in photography, min 3 years experience...) and parts of me seriously want to consider this...

Two things are holding me back from trying, however,... the first being - is this even a job that I could seriously compete for? I know I have a degree in photography from Brooks, and years of experience in the photography field, but for the past 15 or so years, I've been in the financial industry - who would even consider someone like that for a great job like this? The second is the pay... I know I've always said that pay doesn't matter to me at all (I've given up many higher paying job opportunities because I couldn't leave the people I work with...) but the advertised pay for this job is CONSIDERABLY less than what I'm making now - almost 50% less, to be exact...

One last thing about my current job and then I'll end this... I originally took this position because I believed I could make a difference. I love my co-workers and I love all of my reps and I really have a desire to want to help all of them succeed. It's an extremely high profile position within the bank and I'm constantly thankful for everyone who had the faith in me to actually let me get here... I would never want anyone to think I was being ungrateful... It's just that recently, with all the verbal abuse and unrealistically high expectations of my BIG boss and the stress of trying to be everything he wants me to be - but never in a million years being able to live up to it... I'm slowly finding myself turning into someone that I don't like... Yesterday, when I was getting my morning yelling from him - I actually yelled back... which I never do. I'm not sure what this job is turning me into, but it's someone I really don't want to be...

And this is where I ask for your help... Is this University job an idea that I should even entertain? Or am I just burnt out completely, frustrated at my BIG boss and just feeling a moment of "maybe I can escape this place?" Your opinions are highly valued and much appreciated...

Sorry to burden you all with this - it's been weighing on my mind heavily for the past couple of days and I'm having a really hard time separating frustration and sheer exhaustion from "maybe I'm just in the wrong field." I thank you all for your friendship, for putting up with my long rambling posts, and in advance for any advice that you could send my way. Big *HUGS* to all of you!!

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