And if being uninspired wasn't hard enough, I've been getting distracted a lot by silly things; due South fan fiction, MySpace (the killer of most of my time lately - that place is so evil!), and trying to find decent airfare for my July trip to LA. :P I know I should be working, but procrastinating with lovely slash fiction is so much more inviting! ;)
On an LA theatre note, Bets' show No Strings is opening tomorrow night. :) I can't wait to see her in it this weekend! Please don't get me wrong, I love her as Suzy in the Wonderettes, but getting to see her as a completely different character is really going to be a treat. She really is one of the best character actresses in LA. :)
Speaking of Bets' shows, would any Northern CA LJ friends like to meet up for a showing of "1776" at Sacramento Music Circus? I was planning to fly in to see the show during the weekend of September 1st and 2nd and I just read that tickets are going on sale May 14th. If anyone is interested -
I'd better run and get some actual work done... Hope you all are having a nice week! Big HUGS!!