Sheri (shutterbug93) wrote,

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A bit worried about Sydney...

I think I'm heading back to the vet today to take Sydney in... She's been having some digestive problems recently and has been avoiding eating her food (and she's had runny stools). :( She seems to be in okay spirits (lately not really herself,) but because of her recent health problems, I don't want to take any chances. Please, if you can, think good thoughts for my fuzzy baby...

On a different note, work is simply draining the life out of me... I love my job and the people I work with (and at times, I really have to remember the reason WHY I took the job to begin with...) but in the two weeks that I've been back, I'm already in need of another vacation! Thankfully I do have one coming up - a great one too! :D

On a happy note (because I've been incredibly depressing lately - sorry!!) I need to find two more shows to see on my late May trip to LA... My schedule so far looks like this:

Saturday, May 26th (mat): Nothing... yet
Saturday, May 26th (eve): Kimberly Akimbo @ Victory Theatre (GREAT show - can't wait to see it again!!)
Sunday, May 27th (mat): Jersey Boys @ the Ahmanson
Sunday, May 27th (eve): Nothing... yet

I know that I want to try to fit in a trip to see the Wonderettes again and I may try to go on the 27th (provided they have an evening show...) Kara says she's going on for Kim that day and it'd be wonderful to see her as Missy. :) As for the other show slot, I'm at a loss - anyone have any suggestions? :)

Better run so I can get ready for work... As excited as I am for my next trip, I'm not excited about all the laundry and things that need to get done before I leave. :P Hope you're all having a lovely day! HUGS!

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