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A Very Fuzzy Pet Expo! :)

A Very Fuzzy Pet Expo!
or "How I Got My First Show Dog Haircut"
-- by Cooper B. Dog

Today, Mark & Sheri took me to my very first Pet Expo! Thankfully my experiences were captured in the fuzzy pictures below...

On my way to my very first Pet Expo - I had NO IDEA what was in store for me there!
I do know, that the best thing about riding in the car is feeling the wind from the
air conditioning vent blow on my face... :) Especially on hot and humid days like today...
Sheri kept saying how I kept blocking the air, though... I don't know what she's talking about... ;)

Sheri & Mark were a little afraid of how I'd deal with other dogs, but
I'm not shy at all and love meeting other puppies! There were LOTS of different kinds of
dogs at the Expo and I did discover that not all of them were as friendly as this little white puppy was.

The entire morning was like one HUGE puppy buffet line! :) :D
There were SO many samples of snacks to try there!! Here I am sitting for a frozen loco-moco
(beef patty with egg and gravy) treat - it was SOOOO yummy!!

We passed by the Hawaii Shetland Sheepdog Society's booth and one of their members wanted to examine
me because my father was one of their dogs! What a small world! :D

And before I knew it, they were brushing me, and cutting my fur... I was getting a complete
puppy make-over!! :)

Not all of it was fun, however, and some of the brushing and grooming took much longer than I
expected... They cut A LOT of fur off my ears and thinned out the fur on my neck and butt (where
they said I looked really... ahem... heavy...) ;)

Truth be told, I enjoyed all the pampering and the attention! :) :) (But don't ever tell
that to Mark & Sheri!!) ;)

I liked people coming up to me while I was being groomed and petting me and asking what kind
of dog I was... If nothing else, I've discovered today that I'm certainly NOT shy!! :D

When I was done, they said that I had the complete "show dog" cut! :)
They had me do the "show dog" pose for a photo and said I had a nice top line,... :)
but that my neck was too short... :( It's okay, I knew as a puppy that I was never going to
be a famous show dog, and that's completely fine by me! :)

So ends my very first Pet Expo - what an experience it was and I got some yummy treats and
a very cool haircut out of all of it! :) Thanks for reading about my adventure!! :)

Hope you all had a nice weekend, and to those who are Mothers (even of fuzzy ones like me) hope you had a nice Mother's Day!! :)
Tags: cooper - fuzzy posts

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