So, to pass the time I did this: ONE ARTIST MEME
...special thanks to
Using only song names from ONE ARTIST, cleverly answer these questions. Pass it on to 10 people and include me!
Pick Your Artist: Michael Arden (of course, who else?) ;)
Are you male or female: “Portrait of a Girl” (So, I cheated a bit… Michael didn’t write this song… or sing it, but it’s from Bare - which he was in... is that close enough?)
Describe yourself: “This is Your Life”
How do you feel about yourself: Average, ordinary... "Kind of Woman" (cheated again... it's from PIPPIN, obviously and Michael didn't sing it... though he was in the show.) :P
Describe where you currently live: “Coming Home”
If you could go anywhere, where would you go: “When You Fly”
Your best friend is: “Just Now” (as in just now we reconnected) ;)
Your favorite color is: “Bare” (So he didn’t write this… but Michael sang it in Bare - and so it's not a color...)
You know that: I'm "Not Afraid" (I think this is my favorite song Michael has ever written!!!)
What's the weather like: “That Texas Sun”
If your life was a TV show, what would it be called? “Easter Rising” (? I had to put this in there somewhere...) ;)
What is life to you: “What Is To Love”
What is the best advice you have to give: “Winds Will Blow”
If you could change your name, what would it be: ??
Your favorite food is: "Breakfast"
Okay, had a couple problems and I definitely cheated a little... Michael only composed a couple of musicals. ;)