Sheri (shutterbug93) wrote,

  • Mood:

New York City... only a couple of weeks away and I couldn't be more excited!!

The list below are the shows I'm planning to see (in no particular order):

  • Memphis!!!! (SOOOOO excited about seeing Chad Kimball & Montego Glover!! LOVE them!!)
  • Billy Elliot (Will Chase --- YAY!)
  • Jersey Boys (for the 7th time... I know, I need to catch up!)
  • West Side Story
  • A Steady Rain (with Robin -- YAY!)
  • God of Carnage
  • After Miss Julie (Marin Ireland... SO excited!!)
  • Superior Donuts (Have been looking forward to this for MONTHS!)
  • Brighton Beach Memoirs (Been hoping and praying that I would be in town for previews!!)
  • Bye, Bye Birdie
  • Ordinary Days (HUNTER!!!)
  • Next to Normal
  • Fantasy Football; the Musical (New York Musical Theatre Festival show)
  • Liberty (New York Musical Theatre Festival show)
  • Hurricane (New York Musical Theatre Festival show)
  • Under Fire (New York Musical Theatre Festival show)
  • Marrying Meg (New York Musical Theatre Festival show)
  • Under The Greenwood Tree (New York Musical Theatre Festival show)
  • R.R.R.E.D: A Secret Musical (New York Musical Theatre Festival show)

I won't say how many times I'm seeing Memphis, but let's just say... more than once! ;)

SOOOO excited! :D

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