Mark got a new computer (he gets a new one every two years - whereas it took me 6 years to get a new computer of my own) :P. He got a 15" Powerbook G4 and he really likes it a lot. So now he has two unused, very functional laptops that aren't even 4 years old sitting around the house. After talking about it, we decided to give his older one to my Mom (who has NEVER owned a computer). We're going to visit her this weekend and bring the computer to her (the delivery comes with lessons from us on everything from running Word to using the internet - which she's never done!) I love my Mom dearly, but I have a feeling it'll be a little stressful teaching her NOT to be afraid of the computer. ;)
And some great news, I was a little worried about what Kevin would think of the re-design to his site, but he sent over a really nice email about it. I have to say that he has the cutest personality in emails. He'll write something funny and then say "That was a joke." :D Gotta love him! :) He also told me about a benefit he's doing in November (which I doubt if I can make since it's so darn pricey!) where he's going to sing "On The Street Where You Live". Why is it that I can never make it to LA to see him sing that one particular song?? :(
And DRAT! I missed watching "Joan of Arcadia" tonight! :( I had planned to see it because I miss Amber a lot, but... I guess I was too caught up in the email thing tonight and it completely slipped my mind until it was too late. :( Did anyone see it? Was Amber wonderful as always? I'm pretty sad I missed it. :(
Lastly, I've been eating horribly lately. I can feel myself gaining a bunch of weight and I don't like it. My clothes are starting to not fit again and I feel like I'm on a downward spiral of eating poorly and not having the energy to exercise it off. I know I have to be better about it, and I plan to start going back to Curves on Monday (I haven't been there since I hurt my back over a month and a half ago).
Hope everyone has a nice weekend! :) I'm so glad it's finally the weekend! :)