Sheri (shutterbug93) wrote,

Avoidance & facing my own demons...

First of all, I'd like to thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers, and warm wishes for my Mother-in-law. My family appreciates it more than you'll know. *big hugs* to everyone.

Mark still hasn't talked about any of this. I've tried to bring it up by asking him questions about his parents' trip, etc. He seems to be in a sort of "avoidance mode" - which I'm not really sure what to do about. I worry about him a lot and I know that even though he looks and acts fine, he's really not.

Haven't been around LJ much the past couple of days, I've been keeping busy at work, and other non-personal related web things and I think I've partially slipped into the "avoidance thing" myself. I did speak with my Mom on Thursday at length about this and it did make me feel better about the whole situation. She reminded me that several of my aunts were diagnosed with breast cancer early, had surgeries, and right now (years later) are living healthy normal lives. It was nice to hear. I think that one of my concerns stemmed from the fact that my only exposure to cancer was my Dad - who was diagnosed with lung cancer (though he never smoked) and passed away within a month. It was encouraging to hear that there were so many who beat it.

Again, I wanted to thank you all for your kind thoughts and prayers it really does mean a lot to my family. *HUGS*

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